Thursday, October 11, 2012

Three Years Old

Jacob: You are three! Three years old! You are so very much loved and make me and your daddy’s life so fun! Yes, it is a lot of work….but you are teaching me to slow down and enjoy this stage of toddler hood.

Your personality:
You are a three-year-old in every sense of the word. You are starting to voice your opinion in terms of what you are wearing, whether or not you participate in swim class, and if you do or don’t want your picture taken. You are also really into being a team with mommy and like with I wear my mother’s necklace with your birth stone in it. If I am not wearing it you ask me to put on our “team necklace.” For the most part you are a very easy toddler – willing to tag along with mommy and listen to directions. If you do get upset, you are easily distractible and stop whining/crying if I start asking you about other things. You are always on the go…playing with everything, wanting to go outside, always asking “what’s next mommy.” I love that you want to do everything and experience lots of things. I hope that continues in the future. You love your friends at school and talk about them all the time. You are funny and have started making up verses to songs or make up songs all together. Your laugh is incredible…daddy can get you laughing so hard that I swear you will stop breathing….you laugh so hard that you literally don’t make a sound for a few seconds….it is the best thing to witness ever!

Your current loves:
1. Sports! You LOVE playing anything but current favorites are golf, hockey, baseball, and soccer. You also love to swim! You do really well at dribbling a soccer ball and when I ask if you want to pass with me you dribble the ball right “past” me saying that you “passed me.” You don’t understand yet that passing the ball and running past someone are two different things. You are also really good at hitting a baseball (a softball sized wiffle ball). You can hit of a pitch and I am constantly amazed with how far you can hit it. We play indoor hockey from time-to-time and you do really well with your stick handling. I am sure once we get on the ice that your skills will improve quickly. You love playing golf with daddy. We will go out and “play” a few holes with you. You miss the ball a lot, but once you make contact, the ball just flies! I am sure you will be playing a lot of golf in the future. This winter daddy and I will take you skiing so I am sure you will add another love to your list of sports.

2. You love watching your shows. Right when you wake up in the morning (between 5:45-6:30am – always), our routine is to bring you in our bed and turn on a show. This gives mommy and daddy a little more time to rest. You also watch a show before going to bed (1 or 2 15-minute shows: Barney or Bernstein Bears usually) while having a Popsicle or frozen go-gurt. Occasionally some children’s shows are on during the day, but not often. If they are, you are usually playing with toys periodically checking out whatever show is on. You are starting to like the Fresh Beat Band (non-cartoon show).

3. Babies: You want mommy to have a baby so bad (and we are trying buddy…we are!). you constantly say “mommy, I want a baby so mad! (bad)” You randomly just start talking about how when you have a baby sister/brother (it changes daily in regard to which one you want) you will help them to walk and share your toys. So precious. You love playing with your cousin Tony and are very good with him!

4. Going on “guy trips” with daddy (4-wheeling/playing in the back yard/playing in the stream/fishing). You guys are going to do so many fun things together as you get older. I am sure you will do lots of skiing together this winter. Also love “guys’ night” with daddy and Mike – usually involves pizza when I go out with friends.

Favorite Foods:  pizza, broccoli, fruit (watermelon, cantaloupe, apples, grapes, banana), yogurt, granola bars, fruit snacks, pretzels, golf fish, cheese, crackers, cheese sticks, steak, popsicles, bagels, ice cream. You actually like a lot of foods, however, these are your favorite.

You are getting so big. You can almost reach the faucet in the sink to wash your hands yourself. You are really starting to dress yourself and you are doing really well with the potty. Just over the last week you have been doing really well at going #2 in the potty. You have been really good at #1, but getting you to go #2 has been a challenge. But, just this last week you have been going in the potty!

Jacob, mommy loves you so very much! You have taught me so much over the past three years. I am looking forward to continuing learning from you and I hope that your childhood is everything you ever wanted and more!

Love you so very much!

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