Friday, April 11, 2014

Interview with Jacob at 4 1/2 years

My predicted answers are in the parentheses. We will see how close I am. :)

1. What is your favorite color? (blue and pink) Blue and Pink
2. What is your favorite toy? (star wars figures) Robot Dinosaurs *I don't know what those are*
3. What is your favorite fruit? (strawberries) Strawberries
4. What is your favorite veggie? (cucumbers) Broccoli 
5. If you could make your own lunch, what would it be? (yogurt, goldfish, strawberries, cucumbers) 1,000 gummie packages, actually just one package, Fruit Loops, Ice Cream Sandwich, M&M's, milk, water, PB, wait is this a school lunch? can be OK, so a Jelly and sunbutter sandwich, ice pack, squeeze yogurt, and more water. 
6. What is your favorite thing to wear? (pjs) yellow Dino shirt (what he was wearing)
7. What is your favorite snack? (frozen fruit) Lime Yogurt and Graham Crackers and Cheese and Crackers. 
8. What is your favorite game? (clock game from library) Go Fish Game (where the fish open and close their mouths and you try to catch them - it was right in front of him. we rarely play the game.)
9. What is your favorite TV show? Movie? (wild kratts; star wars) Wild Kratts and Star Wars
10. What is your favorite animal? (cow) cow
11. What is your favorite song? (old mcdonald) "Go to Bed Baby Jacob" (I made up a song like this once) Good Bye Everybody Yes Indeed" (from school)
12: What is your favorite book? (star wars book from book store) Three Javelinas 
13: Who is your best Friend? (Walter) Walter
14: What is your favorite cereal? (rice crispies) Fruit Loops (funny he keeps on saying fruit loops because he rarely has them)
15: What is your favorite thing to do outside? (play baseball) At School play Star Wars; At home work in the garden
16: What is your favorite drink? (water) Chocolate Milk
17: What is your favorite holiday? Why? (birthday...presents) Christmas because of the presents 
18: What do you like to take to bed with you at night? (bunny) Bunny
19: What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? (waffles) Waffles - ewok food
20: What is your favorite thing to eat for dinner? (pizza) Steak and broccoli
21: What do you want to be when you grow up? (golf coach with daddy or paleontologist with walter) Golf Coach like Daddy
22: What is your favorite thing to do with daddy? Mommy? (play outside; color) Play baseball with daddy; work in the garden with mommy (we have been doing a lot of yard work)
23: What are some of your favorite things to do at school? (play star wars with friends): Quiet table with Legos; play-dough; connex (building things)

Mommy and Daddy love you so much! You are so funny and smart. Many times when you are talking daddy and I will look at each other as if to say "I cant believe this little guy is ours!" We celebrated your half bday with a family breakfast at the Coffee Shop. You had a chocolate chip muffin, yogurt and water. Mommy had coffee and a seed bar. Daddy had the other part of my seed bar and some water. We love spending just ordinary moments with you. You make them so special.

Happy 4 1/2!!!

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